School Meals
Meal Times
Meal Payments
Free Meals for the 2024-25 School Year
The St. Tammany Public School System is pleased to offer free school lunches and breakfasts for all students during the 2024-2025 school year through a program called the Community Eligibility Provision. All enrolled students in the 55 St. Tammany Parish Public Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to parents. Children will be able to participate in this meal program without having to pay a fee or submit a free and reduced meals application. The Community Eligibility Provision is an equal opportunity provider.
Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for extra sale items by using may also send a check, cash, or money order in a sealed envelope with the student’s first and last name (no nicknames please) on the outside of the envelope to your student’s cafeteria.
Lunch Visitors
Parents or grandparents may come to school to have lunch with their child. If you would like to purchase a cafeteria lunch, please notify the cafeteria by 9:00 A.M. Call the cafeteria at 626-8747. Please have the correct change to pay for your lunch. Parents may not bring fast food or sodas into the cafeteria, gazebo, and/or picnic areas.
We ask that parents refrain from coming to have lunch with their children for the first few weeks of school. This provides ample time for the teacher to reinforce cafeteria expectations and helps other students from becoming emotionally upset because their parent was unable to visit for lunch. Following Labor Day, parents may come to school and eat lunch with their child in the cafeteria, under the gazebo, or at the concrete table/benches right outside the cafeteria after checking in with the front office and getting a visitor’s badge. Parents are only allowed to bring their own child outside the cafeteria to eat with them. In the event of inclement weather, visitors may be able to eat in the cafeteria with permission from administration. We encourage you to purchase and enjoy a school lunch or if not, pack a healthy lunch for you and your child when you come to visit rather than bringing in fast food. In the event that you do buy outside food or beverage from a food establishment, only unlabeled packaging will be acceptable.
If you have any questions about school meals, please contact the cafeteria manager Christi Lewis at 626-8747 or email at
Select a menu to view meals.
Breakfast Menu
Fruit, fruit juice, cereal with toast and choice of milk offered daily.
Upcoming Breakfasts
Lunch Menu
Vegetarian option, vegetable, fruit and choice of milk offered daily.
Upcoming Lunches
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.