Policies and Procedures
Woodlake Student/Parent Handbook
Mission Statement and Philosophy
Woodlake Elementary: "Where Everyone Soars"
The faculty and staff at Woodlake Elementary School believe that the school’s responsibility is to help each student develop into a responsible and productive citizen in the school, home and community. We believe that each student should be provided with an educational program that fulfills his academic, social, emotional and physical needs. We believe that the educational development of the individual student is the basic responsibility of the school but must be shared with the home and community in order to insure the child’s fullest development and the fulfillment of his needs. We believe our program should respond to and build upon every child’s uniqueness. The school environment and atmosphere should not only reflect that school is a good place to be, but also that it is a safe place of explorations, questioning and self-expression so that learning becomes fun, exciting and an integral part of each child’s life. Self-discipline, self-motivation, perseverance and inquisitiveness are emphasized. Our daily whole school Morning Meeting provides opportunities for the school-wide application of the Fish philosophy. Morning Meetings are designed to include all programs and people throughout our school. This is also where our school wide positive behavior support plan is taught and reinforced in a positive manner.
Arrival and Dismissal Policies
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Absences
- Early Checkout
- Tardiness
- Before and After School Care
- Transportation Change
- Car Line Procedures
- Buses
- Walkers
Arrival and Dismissal
School begins at 8:45 A.M. Students may begin arriving at 8:15 A.M. each day. Students may only be dropped off in car line when a faculty member is on duty. Please do not drop off your children in other areas.
The tardy bell rings at 8:46 A.M. Late arrivals must report to the office with a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must sign the child in. and the child will be given a tardy slip to report to class.
Excessive tardies to school will be reported to the St. Tammany Parish Supervisor of Attendance.
Dismissal begins at 3:51 P.M. on regular school days and at 12:51 P.M. on half school days. After care begins each day at 4:01 P.M.
Early Checkout
To check your child out early, you must do so in the front office by presenting photo identification. If the person who will be checking your child out is not on the emergency card, the parent or guardian must have sent a note that morning in the child’s folder with the name of the person. No faxes, calls or emails will be accepted to ensure your child’s safety. Children may not be checked out after 3:20 P.M. on regular school days or after 12:20 P.M. on half school days as teachers are beginning dismissal procedures in the classroom. Parents must be in the office by the designated check out times.
Please ensure your child arrives on time each day. Students who frequently arrive late for school lose valuable instructional time, learn unproductive work habits for the future, and create needless disruption to the school and classroom setting. Parents of students with excessive tardiness will receive a letter from the principal notifying them of the excessive tardiness and will be scheduled for an appointment with the principal to discuss how we can best work as a team to support your child.
Before and After School Care
Before-School Care will be offered on regular school days starting at 7:00 A.M. After-School Care will be offered on regular school days until 6:00 P.M. *A late fee of up to $10.00 or more will be charged for pickups after 6:00 P.M. After-School Care will NOT be offered on half-days or on the last day of school. All payments should be paid online at www.mypaymentsplus.com. My Payments Plus has the most up to date pricing.
Transportation Change
With over 500 students and several different ways each child gets home on different days of the week, frequent and/or last-minute changes to how children get home each day are not in the best interest of safety. We ask that you please establish a fixed afternoon transportation routine when at all possible. If you should have to make a change however, you will need to send in a signed request to the office 24 hours in advance in your child’s folder or in person. Emails to the office and/or the teacher will not be accepted. If an emergency arises and a change needs to be made, you will need to call the office and speak to the principal 626- 8842. This policy is firm for the safety and well-being of your child, given various custody situations that exist.
Car Line Procedures
Car line flow is as follows: Access Lamarque Street from Lakeshore Drive. Continue north on Lamarque Street and turn right onto Livingston Street which will bring you to the front of Woodlake.
- For arrival in the morning or dismissal in the afternoon, stop at the “Car Line Begins Here” sign. Wait for the signal from the duty teacher to proceed forward.
- Drive through the double gates under the portico in front of the kindergarten wing.
- Proceed to the first available numbered sign near the exit and stop.
- To ensure your child’s safety, they must enter and exit cars on the passenger side only. If you have another car seat of a sibling on the passenger side already, your child will still need to enter/exit the passenger side.
- Students walk into the kindergarten wing in the morning and exit the kindergarten wing in the afternoon.
- After students are unloaded or loaded into the cars, you exit car line by turning right onto Livingston Street and continue until it turns into Clausel Street. Please note this is a one-way street.
- Turn left onto Villere Street (crossing the trace) and then turn right onto Foy Street.
- Buses only enter the campus on Foy Street and exit on Villere Street. As always, please be mindful and cautious of surrounding walkers and vehicles. No parents should be driving on Foy Street in the morning or afternoon to come into car line----- only staff and bus drivers.
- Students arriving in cars must be dropped off ONLY in the car line.
- While in the unloading area of car line, please refrain from using a handheld cell phone. This is a state law.
- Have your child ready to unload quickly when personnel arrive at your car.
- Students eating breakfast should arrive at school by 8:30 A.M. to ensure they have time to eat their breakfast in the café before Morning Meeting begins.
- The morning car line will begin at 8:15 A.M. The afternoon car line will begin moving immediately at 3:51 P.M. and will end at approximately 4:10 P.M. PLEASE BE PROMPT IN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD AFTER SCHOOL.
- Please do not park and walk up to the school to pick up your child. This dangerous practice encourages young children to run (across traffic) to their parents. It also slows down the loading process for everyone.
- You will be issued 2 car line signs with specific WES details and your child’s name at the beginning of the year. This easy-to-read sign lets us know your (or the holder of the sign) has been vetted through the office. If you want someone other than you to pick up your child, they must be in possession of your sign for that day. This lets us know you appoint this person to pick up. Please place this in the front window on the driver’s side of the car for every pick-up.
Any person picking up a child that does not have the office-issued car line sign will be required to park and show a picture ID AFTER car line ends. If the person picking up your child is not listed on your child’s emergency card, they will not be allowed to pick up your child in car line
·Your cooperation will help the loading process go faster and will everyone safe.
School Zone Cell Phone (Car Line)
All Louisiana public schools are now a “Hands-Free Zone”. Act 410 passed during the 2014 legislative session prohibits motorists from using any type of hand-held wireless communications device while traveling through school zones during posted hours. It is imperative that parents avoid use of their hand-held cell phone in car line or near the school. Fines range from $175 - $500.
The bus driver and the St. Tammany Parish School Board's Transportation Department will handle bus transportation. Students must remember that the bus driver is responsible for their safety while they are on the bus, and students who violate bus rules will be referred to administration for disciplinary action. Such referrals may result in the student being suspended from the bus.
We encourage bus transportation provided by our district. It is convenient and minimizes the congestion in the car line. Call the Transportation Department, 898-3373, or visit the website at http://www.stpsb.org/transportation for questions regarding bus routes, stops, and times.
For the safety of your child and others on the bus, appropriate bus behavior is always expected and will be strictly enforced.
Students are expected to always:
- remain seated facing the front of the bus.
- keep their hands and feet to themselves and inside the bus.
- talk in a low (normal) tone of voice.
- use only the bus and bus stop assigned.
Consequences for misbehavior on the school bus as assigned by school administration:
- First Referral: Student Conference with an administrator; parent is contacted for phone conference; possible loss of bus privilege for 1 day
- Second Referral: Student Conference with an administrator; parent is contacted for phone conference; loss of bus privilege for 3 days
- Third Referral: Student Conference with administrator; parent is contacted for phone conference; loss of bus privileges for 1 week or longer
Bus transportation privileges can be revoked if inappropriate/unsafe behavior is ongoing.
Only those students living within walking distance (1/4 square mile radius) of Woodlake may be considered walkers. All walkers will be called to line up 3:44 P.M. You will be issued a walker pass that the person walking with your child MUST have (like car line) you will be issued 2. A parent/guardian must be present to students are dropped off and/or picked up by parents who themselves are walking, parking a car and walking into the office is against walker policy.
Free Meals
Free Meals for the 2024-25 School Year
The St. Tammany Public School System is pleased to offer free school lunches and breakfasts for all students during the 2024-2025 school year through a program called the Community Eligibility Provision. All enrolled students in the 55 St. Tammany Parish Public Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to parents.
We strongly urge you to take advantage of the school lunch program. Breakfast is served between 8:15 and 8:40 A.M. Lunch is served at the designated times for each grade level. The costs of the meals are as follows:
***All student meals will be free for the 2024-2025 school year due to a grant received by the District.***
- BREAKFAST: $.75 ($.30 for reduced)
- LUNCH: $1.30 ($.40 for reduced)
- GUESTS: $5.50
Payments should be made in advance in advance by going to www.mypaymentsplus.com. The phone number for the cafeteria is (985) 626-8747.
Cafeteria Information
Cafeteria Information
We ask that parents refrain from coming to have lunch with their children for the first few weeks of school. This provides ample time for the teacher to reinforce cafeteria expectations and helps other students from becoming emotionally upset because their parent was unable to visit for lunch. Following Labor Day, parents may come to school and eat lunch with their child under the gazebo, or at the concrete table/benches right outside the cafeteria after checking in with the front office and getting a visitor’s badge. In the event of inclement weather, visitors may be able to eat in the cafeteria with permission from administration. Parents are only allowed to bring their own child outside the cafeteria to eat with them. We encourage you to purchase and enjoy a school lunch or if not, pack a healthy lunch for you and your child when you come to visit. NO FAST FOOD.
- Parents or grandparents may come to school to have lunch with their child as long as the cafeteria is notified by 9:00 A.M. Call the cafeteria at 626-8747. Please have the correct change to pay for your lunch. Parents may not bring fast food or sodas into the cafeteria, gazebo, and/or picnic areas.
- Children eating breakfast at school need to arrive by 8:30 A.M. so they will have time to finish before class begins.
- Children may bring their lunch from home and purchase milk at school. All milk money is paid daily in the cafeteria. If your child brings a lunch and drink from home, we request that you do not send soft drinks. Metal pop-top cans (of any kind) and glass containers are not allowed for safety reasons.
- Students should only bring water or juice with their lunch. Please do not send fast-food meals.
- A monthly menu will be sent home and is posted on our website.
Our school system is one of a few in the nation that strictly follows the USDA Gold Standards for nutrition. We offer whole wheat, non-fat milk and fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
Cafeteria Rules
The following rules are general cafeteria rules to be followed by all students. One staff member and a café monitor will supervise the students throughout the lunch period.
- Remain quiet while entering the cafeteria. (Red Light)
- After everyone is seated, talk quietly to your face and shoulder partners. (Yellow Light)
- Remain in your seat.
- Raise your hand if assistance is needed.
- Keep your hands and feet in your own personal space.
- Remain quiet during dismissal. (Red Light)
Snack Break
Parent Information
- Emergency Card
- Technology
- Media Releases
- Field Trips
- Party Invitations
- Birthday Celebrations
- Restroom Policy (Adults)
- School Closing/Re-Opening Information
- Online Payment
- Smoke Free Environment
Emergency Card
Emergency cards will be sent home the first week of school. Please return to school the following day. We must have several local phone numbers to call in case of an emergency, in the event of your emergency. If any phone numbers change during the year, please notify us immediately in writing. Please include information pertaining to allergies or specific health problems on the card. It is essential for all students to have an emergency card on file.
If your address changes during the school year, it is important to bring documentation of new address to the office, so that all mailed documents can be received by parents or guardians.
Each student and a parent/guardian must sign the St. Tammany Parish Instructional Use Agreement in order for the student to use the St. Tammany Parish School Board instructional technology and internet services. This form will be kept on file in the student’s permanent folder and maintained as long as he/she is a student in the St. Tammany Parish School System. Students who do not have a signed form on file in the school office will be issued one to complete and return to school. To revoke permission once it has been granted, a letter must be submitted to the school office. The letter should contain the following:
- Date
- Child's full name
- Statement of refusal for instructional technology and Internet use
- Parent/guardian signature
Media Releases
Media release forms are completed at registration. Students may be photographed, videotaped, etc. for publication including the yearbook, ONLY if this form is signed and on file in the school office. If any reason you do not want your child photographed, we would appreciate you calling this to our attention and noting this on the release form. These forms allow choices of which media you can allow.
Field Trips
Educational field trips are planned by teachers to enrich learning. The information and cost of trips will be sent home prior to any field trip. Students attending field trips must ride the school bus and are not allowed to ride with parents in cars. Other children (siblings) may NOT accompany parents on the trip. Chaperones must check in at the office first and receive a visitor tag prior to departure from school. The purpose of the chaperone is to supervise a class group of 4-6 students. All chaperones are asked to sign a letter of agreement prior to the field trip. Siblings are not allowed to attend field trips.
Some field trips may have a limited number of chaperones. In this case, parents who send their chaperone forms in first will be chosen to be the designated chaperones for the class. The teacher will then notify parents who the designated chaperones are for the trip.
For your child to attend the field trip, you must sign the permission slip and return it along with the cost of the trip to school by the DEADLINE stated in the letter. Handwritten notes cannot be accepted. No additional money or permission slips will be accepted after the deadline date.
Parents who desire to check their child out will do so only after the class has returned to school. This rule pertains to any and all field trips, including walking and bus trips.
Party Invitations
Birthday Celebrations
The principal will recognize students daily at morning meeting on their birthday or prior to their birthday. Each student will receive a pencil in recognition of their birthday. Birthday parties may not be held at school. If parents bring cupcakes to the office for their child’s birthday, these will get delivered to the classroom by the office staff at the designated time that the teacher requests. No additional treats, drinks, or ice cream may be brought to the office. Balloons and flowers may not be delivered to the school for students and will not be accepted by the front office to deliver to the classrooms.
Restroom Policy (Adults)
School Closing/Re-Opening Information
School emergency closing and re-opening information is available through a number of sources. Parents are asked to stay informed through:
- Local television, radio, and newspapers
- The school system website at www.stpsb.org
- The school system educational television station (Channel 13)
- Taped telephone messages at the school or School Board Office (985 892-2276 or 985 646- 4900) are recorded when possible.
During an emergency, parents need to closely monitor information about the situation, including procedures being followed, before going to school or to the scene of an emergency. Timely information will be released to parents through the sources above or personal contact when possible.
Online Payment
MyPaymentsPlus allows you to make online payments of school fees, cafeteria fees, and childcare fees.
Please visit www.mypaymentsplus.com for more information.
Smoke Free Environment
Parental Involvement
Parental Involvement
We encourage parents and guardians to choose to become involved in the life of Woodlake Elementary School. You are crucial to the success of our school and will find a warm welcome within. To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support this partnership, we shall provide activities that encourage participation and involvement of all members of the school community.
Parental involvement activities are planned at various dates and times in order to accommodate all parents. The activities encourage parents to be actively involved in their children’s education and to assist in their learning process.
Parents are given the opportunity to participate in the decision-making through participation in opinion surveys as well as through membership in committees such as the School Improvement Planning Committee, Positive Behavior Support Team and PTA Committees.
While visitors are always welcome at Woodlake Elementary, our first priority is the safety of our students. The St. Tammany Parish School Board has implemented a system called Badge Pass to confirm the identification of anyone checking into the office. When visiting school, you must first proceed directly to the office. Once there, you will present your driver’s license to be scanned and receive a visitor’s pass.
- No person shall go on school grounds or in any building without authority of the school office.
- The visitor's pass must be worn in a visible spot the entire time while on campus.
- Upon departing, visitors must report back to the school office to turn in the visitor's pass.
- All classroom visits for observational purposes must be scheduled through the principal.
- Advance notice is required so that the visit will not disrupt instruction.
- Parents should not visit the classroom unannounced for any reason.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Only when a child feels that there is understanding, appreciation, and active cooperation between home and school, can he do his best in his schoolwork. Through conferences, parents and teachers gain a better insight into the child’s needs, interests, potential, and growth, as well as any particular difficulties he may have. Please conference with the teacher first before contacting the school principal or assistant principal. This allows you to establish a working relationship with your child’s teacher and is in the best interest of your child. All conferences can be set up by emailing the teacher directly, or through the office by calling (985) 626-8842.
Woodlake Elementary has a very active PTA who is highly involved in improving our school. PTA encourages parental involvement, assists parents in developing skills to raise, educate, and protect their children, and speaks on behalf of children in our school. We work to have 100% membership, which means we have one member for every student. You are encouraged to join and participate and have other family members join as well. Please visit Woodlake’s Facebook page for school information.
The PTA organizes our volunteer parent program. We expect many hours to be logged at our school by terrific parents and grandparents. Our volunteer parent program allows more individualized instruction and really helps our teachers. If you are interested, the PTA will send out a sign-up letter after school begins. We really appreciate our great volunteers and encourage your participation in your child’s education. Siblings are not allowed on campus when volunteering during educational activities, helping with clerical responsibilities, and when attending classroom parties. Thank you for wearing appropriate clothing while on campus.
Student Support Services
- Guidance Counselors
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
- SBLC– School Building Level Committee
- Medication Policy
- Student Illness/Conditions
Guidance Counselors
Guidance and Counseling services are available to help children become aware of their abilities, aptitudes, interests, and attitudes. The school counselor can assist in the following areas:
- To help children develop to their fullest potential
- To help children set realistic goals consistent with their abilities and interests
- To help children to maximize their self-esteem
- To provide opportunities for democratic problem solving
- To provide experiences which will assist children in making wise choices
Please contact the counselors by email or calling the school office directly.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education and Reporting. Contact the school counselor if you are interested in previewing materials used in the instruction. We encourage parents to talk to their children about this topic as well as other general safety issues.
SBLC– School Building Level Committee
When a student is having academic, social/emotional and or behavioral concerns, an initial conference is held between the teacher and the parent. Specific concerns are documented, and the classroom teacher will implement appropriate interventions. If the interventions are not successful, a meeting is scheduled by the teacher with the SBLC Committee and the parent. This committee is comprised of various school staff members including an administrator, the referring teacher, a counselor, speech therapist and TRT. The committee reviews all information and makes additional recommendations for interventions and/or screenings.
Medication Policy
Children are NOT allowed to have medication with them at any time while on school grounds or while in route to school. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications.
According to St. Tammany Parish School Board policy, designated personnel are only allowed to dispense medication with the appropriate forms completed by the parent/guardian AND doctor and on file in the office. Any change in medication will require a new form. All medicine must be brought in by a parent/guardian and must be kept in a prescription bottle that matches the information on the form. All medications must be picked up at the end of the school year or they will be disposed.
Do not send cough syrup, cough drops, aspirin, lip balm, or any other over-the-counter medication to school with any child. Parents may come to school, sign in, and administer medicine if necessary.
Student Illness/Conditions
Students will be sent home for the following conditions:
- Temperature above 100 degrees
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Coughing with forced or labored breathing
- Suspected communicable disease
- Rash
- Pinkeye
- Lice – if a child is found to have lice, parish policy requires that they be excluded from school. They may not return until they have been cleared by one of the school nurses or office personnel. St. Tammany Parish School Board Policy states that a child will not be allowed back in school until all bugs are removed. An excused absence will be issued for one day only.
Dress Code
Dress Code
Providing an effective learning environment for all students includes expectations that students are dressed and groomed in a manner that permits them to actively participate in school and that does not distract the education process. The school principal maintains the right to determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming and appropriateness and suitability for school wear. Body-piercing ornaments are limited to the ears but may not be extreme in size or present a safety hazard for the child.
Parents and students are to refer to the St. Tammany Parish District Handbook for Students and Parents for the parish dress code policy. A few key areas to note are:
- A school uniform is required. (See Woodlake uniform policy section for specifics).
- The minimum length of shorts, dresses, skirts, etc. must be at the fingertip or below when standing erect with arms extended down the sides or be no more than 5” above the knee.
- Tank shirts and undershirts may not be worn as outer garments. For security purposes, a navy blue coat/jacket is suggested.
- Lower garments worn by students must be secured at waist level, with no undergarments revealed.
- No see-through clothing is permitted, and no skin may show between the lower garment and shirt in any position.
- Flip-flops or backless thong sandals are not permitted.
- All caps, hats, and bandanas are banned from school campuses during regular school hours.
- Hoods are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours except outdoors in inclement weather.
- Students must wear tennis shoes to participate in P.E classes.
Male and female hair--- Hair arranged in a manner detrimental to the performance of normal educational activities will be prohibited. Hair must be clean and not unusually colored. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc., will not be permitted.
Male and female hair--- Hair arranged in a manner detrimental to the performance of normal educational activities will be prohibited. Hair must be clean and not unusually colored. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc., will not be permitted.
Violating the St. Tammany Parish policy on dress code or the school uniform policy could result in disciplinary action. A student will not be allowed to remain at school if the violation is disruptive.
Uniform Policy
Children are expected to dress appropriately for school. The Woodlake uniform consists of any navy Woodlake T-shirt or sweatshirt, navy polo style shirt with no emblem, navy turtleneck shirt, khaki pants, shorts, skorts, jumpers, or skirts. A navy sweater or sweatshirt with no emblem may be worn. Children are asked to wear closed toe shoes such as tennis shoes, top-siders, or oxfords for comfort and safety. Sandals, backless shoes, crocs, or flip-flops are not part of the Woodlake uniform. Tights or leggings may be worn under a skirt but should be a solid color resulting in uniformity. Navy jumpers, skirts, shorts, etc. are not part of the Woodlake uniform, so please do not send your child to school with this attire---khaki jumper, skirts, shorts only are permitted.
Student ID Badges
Every student is issued an ID and lanyard at no cost, at the beginning of the year or when they enroll. Every student must wear a school issued ID and lanyard every day while on campus. ID Badges must be worn around the neck on a breakaway lanyard. Lost, stolen or defaced ID badges must be replaced at a cost of $5.00 paid via My Payment Plus.
School Bags
All students should bring a school bag daily. It is recommended that students in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten have the blue tote bags that the PTA sells. The bags readily identify these students as being our youngest ones on campus, so that we can provide them with additional assistance, especially at the beginning of school. For safety reasons at school and on the buses, wheeled luggage school bags will not be allowed at Woodlake. Please do not allow your child to load down his/her backpack with items that are not needed at school.
Lost and Found
All clothing found on the campus are brought to the gym. Please write your child’s name on everything worn or brought to school. Students should not bring extra money, toys (ie sports/Pokemon cards, fidget spinners, bag tag items), or valuable items to school. Periodically, we will donate clothing left for a period of time to charity. Please send an email to your student’s teacher to allow them to go look through lost items for missing items.
Promotion and Retention
St. Tammany Parish Policy
According to the St. Tammany Parish policy for promotion and retention, a child will be promoted if all academic and attendance criteria have been satisfied. Students with excessive absences (over 10 days, unexcused) in grades one through three will be required to make up seat time in order to be considered for promotion. This detailed requirements may be found in the St. Tammany Parish Pupil Progression Plan at http://stpsb.org/files/pupilprogressionplan.pdf
Make-up Work
Textbooks/Library Books
Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books issued to them during the school year. Any lost or damaged books must be paid in full. The replacement value of most textbooks is in excess of $30.00. Extra care should be taken in keeping up with textbooks and library books. If a lost book is found in same condition, the money will be refunded.
Library Information
Students in pre-school and kindergarten may check out one book at a time. Students in first, second, and third grades may check out two books at a time. These books are due two weeks from the day checked out. We will not renew books after the two weeks unless it is a long chapter book or needed in class.
Students may come to the library, starting at 8:15 A.M on designated days and other designated times during the day to check out books. A book may be returned at any time. Students are responsible for keeping the books in good condition. A fee may be charged if a book is returned damaged. A fine will be assessed according to the degree of damage. A charge may be assessed to replace badly damaged books. Most books cost about $12.00 to replace. However, there are some that exceed this amount.
The child will not be able to check out books or participate in field trips until the fines or cost of the book has been paid.
Discipline Policy
- School Wide Expectations
- Major Infractions
- Minor Infractions
- Weapons Policy
- Discipline
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Classroom Rules
- Playground Rules
- Hallway/Walkway Rules
School Wide Expectations
Effective instruction can take place only in a well-disciplined environment. We expect students to display acceptable behavior at all times and expect parents to work with us to reach this goal. At Woodlake Elementary, we encourage all students and family members to follow the Pelican Pact Philosophy. Our school-wide expectations have been adopted from the Leader In Me Framework and are taught and discussed daily:
- Be Proactive
- Begin With the End in Mind
- Put First Things First
- Think Win/Win
- Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the Saw
The St. Tammany Parish District Handbook for Students and Parents and on the St. Tammany Parish School Board website at www.stpsb.org.
Procedures for encouraging expected behaviors include:
Each classroom and all common areas have the expectations displayed.
In an effort to encourage students to be in school every day, we will be rewarding students with perfect attendance at the end of the year.
Procedures for encouraging expected behaviors in the classrooms:
- Teachers have 4-5 simple rules in their classroom
- Each teacher has a plan that includes tangible rewards for positive behavior such as: treasure chest, treats, stickers, happy notes, etc.
- All teachers will be using the CHAMPs proactive classroom management plan
Pelican of the Week:
One student will be randomly selected from each class every Friday. These students will be introduced at Morning Meeting and will be invited to a “treat” party at the end of the school day.
Major Infractions
Major infractions are managed by administration. They include:
- Abusive language, profanity or inappropriate language is considered a high intensity instance of inappropriate language including swearing, name calling, or use of other inappropriate language
- Student in possession of or is using alcohol, alcohol containers or imitations
- Student in possession of substance/object readily capable of causing bodily harm and/or damage by using combustibles such as: lighters, matches, firecrackers, gasoline
- Defiance/disrespect/insubordination/non-compliance is considered high intensity: refusal to follow directions, talking back, and/or socially rude interactions
- Fighting/physical aggression is considered as actions involving serious physical contact where injury occurs (hitting, punching, kicking, pulling hair, scratching, etc)
- Student is in possession of, or is using illegal drugs/substances or imitations of any kind
- Property damage occurs when a student participates in an activity that results in substantial destruction or disfigurement of property
- Student is in possession of or is using tobacco
- Violation of bus rules
- Bullying, which may include physical, verbal, emotional, and /r sexual (See Parish Discipline Handbook)
- Sexual in nature- student subjects an individual to lewd sexual gestures or exposing private parts
Minor Infractions
Minor infractions are managed within the classroom by the teacher.
- Abusive language inappropriate language or use of profanity is considered a low intensity instance of inappropriate language including swearing, name calling, or use of other inappropriate language
- Defiance/disrespect/insubordination/non-compliance is considered a brief or low intensity failure to respond to adult requests
- Disruption is considered as a low intensity, but inappropriate disruption
- Dress code violation occurs when a student wears clothing that does not fit within dress code guidelines practiced by the school District
- Fighting/physical aggression is considered not serious, but inappropriate physical contact
- Property damage is considered as a low intensity misuse of property
- Theft occurs when a student is in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property
- Violation of bus rules (See Safe Procedures for School Bus Riders)
- Teasing or taunting is defined as a student delivering a disrespectful message (verbal or gesture) to another person
- Any other minor behaviors that do not fall within the above categories
Weapons Policy
Students found using, possessing and/or concealing a knife, firearm, weapon capable of discharging a projectile, or other dangerous instruments capable of causing bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Students using, possessing and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument shall be immediately suspended from school or recommended for expulsion.
Please refer to the District Handbook for Students and Parents for further clarification of the parish-wide discipline policy.
Discipline for Minor Infractions
- Teacher will move closer to student and provide verbal or nonverbal warnings
- Brief student/teacher conference away from peers
- Time out
- Removed from classroom to a Buddy Teacher
- Student self-reflection in the classroom, teacher discusses the behavior and completed reflection sheet with the student, teacher should use the reflection sheet as a proactive teaching tool with the student
- Parent conference (face to face and/or phone conference) with the teacher, contact and a conversation must take place for it to be deemed a conference
- Campus restriction
- Repeat violators will meet with administration after the Classroom Discipline Report (4 minors and a parent conference) is filled out correctly
Discipline for School Bus Riders
(Please refer to the “Safe Procedures for School Bus Riders” pamphlet for specific safe riding practices. This pamphlet is given to parents at the beginning of each school year.)
- First Offense – warning, student conference, and bus referral
- Second Offense – warning, student conference, parental contact, and bus referral
- Third Offense – conference, parental contact, and bus suspension for up to three days
Administration reserves the right to suspend a student from riding the bus on any offense depending on severity.
Discipline for Major Infractions
Any major infraction will result in documentation on the Louisiana Department of Education Discipline Form. Depending on the nature of the infraction, one or more of the following disciplinary actions may occur:
- Student reprimand/campus restriction
- Teacher/student/parent/administrative conference
- Referral to counselor, MHP, SAT
- In school suspension (second chance) suspension
- Exclusion
- Recommendation for Expulsion
Anti-Bullying Policy
Everyone at Woodlake Elementary School promises to make our school a safe and caring place for all students. We will treat each other with respect, and we will not allow bullying in any form at our school. At Woodlake Elementary School we believe we should treat others the way we want to be treated. Bullying is considered a major behavior offense. It will be handled as defined in the discipline procedure below.
- Student reports an incident of bullying to an adult.
- Adult assesses the situation and determines if the incident is a major or minor offense.
- If minor, the teacher provides coaching and/or replacement behaviors.
- If major, adult fills out top section of reporting form and refers it to the counselor/administrator.
- Appropriate action is then taken
Classroom Rules
The teachers will post classroom rules and consequences in the classrooms. Teachers will handle minor infractions with a warning, classroom discipline report form, parent conference, etc. Serious infractions, such as defiance towards the teacher or continuous class disruptions will be referred immediately to an administrator for disciplinary action. Students should not bring toys, valuable jewelry, electronics, or any other valuable items to school, including large amounts of money. All wireless cellular phones, smart watches, blue tooth, or GPS devices must be powered OFF and kept in backpacks (out of sight) while on campus. Students are not allowed to make cellular phone calls and/or text for any reason while on school campus. Any such items found to be powered on or in use will be picked up by a staff member and sent to the office. A warning will be issued to the student and parents will be notified to pick up the device. For the second offense, the student will receive disciplinary action.
Playground Rules
The following rules are PBIS playground rules to be followed by all students. Additional rules and guidelines are in place for specific equipment and are available upon request. Duty persons will handle minor infractions with warnings, noon detentions, etc.
Serious infractions, such as fighting, injurious acts, destroying school property, or defiance toward duty personnel will be referred immediately to an administrator for disciplinary action.
- All students should walk to recess.
- Running should only take place in the running area.
- Balls will be kept under the Pelican’s Nest. Balls will be used to play Four Squares, shoot baskets, and/or to toss back and forth. The students will not be allowed to play true games of basketball, football, soccer, etc.
- Students should always keep their head above their feet.
- All students should freeze when the bell rings.
Hallway/Walkway Rules
School Information
School Hours
Daily Schedule
8:15 A.M. Bus & Car Drop Off
8:44 A.M. Warning Bell
11:15 A.M Pre-K/Kindergarten Lunch
11:40 A.M. Kindergarten Recess
11:45 A.M. First Grade Lunch
12:10 P.M. First Grade Recess
12:15 P.M. Second Grade Lunch
12:40 P.M. Second Grade Recess
12:45 P.M. Third Grade Lunch
1:10 P.M. Third Grade Recess
3:46 P.M. Get Ready to Go Bell
3:51 P.M. Dismissal